ali joe

Ali Joe - The Stylist
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

recently, i was at my father's club to attend this event where they hand out study grants to the children of their members. and of course i was lucky enough to receive that study grant. $$$

the whole event started with this ridiculously hilarious performance. where 6 tone death performers decided to butcher a couple of Abba songs.

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it felt like being at the auditions for american idols. you know, the part where they show all those sucky performers and you laugh at them. but hey, the mood at the event was rather dull and this performance did lighten up the atmosphere.

the event continued with several speeches by the guest of honour and the chairman of the club. so i decided to sneak to the toilet to while the time away.

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of course i cant resist a mirror camwhore moment.

luckily i had my nintendo ds with me to keep me awake throughout the whole event. and so the event ended and we hang around for a little bit while my parents chatted witht heir friends.

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with mum.

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the parents.

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the nice view from where we were.

since my parents decided to have dinner with some of their friends there, i decided to meet up with Barney in town.

he needed to look for an outfit to wear for some event so i decided to lend my expertise in picking clothes.

and so while i gave him some thing to try on, i couldnt resist these huge mirrors you find near the fitting room.

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i'm sorry, i cant help it.

anyways, so Barney came dressed like this.

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in his usual tshirt and jeans.

and so i decided to give him smthing more preppy.

and ladies and gentlemen, here is the new Barney!!!

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so much better!

well since he's happy, i'm happy. so my job here is done. all that hard work has made us hungry, so off to dinner it is!

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lets have Korean!!!


hmm, maybe i should consider a job as a stylist eh? hahaha!!

till next time. take care and have fun!

ali joe




Happy Birthday To Me.
Distribution Channels Exam
its all about effort
the wishlist
jiafang's 22nd
the semester lookback
the camwhoring endeavor
another tease


July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008