I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! did you guys read the news lately? no, its not the one where the chairman of Tangs was charged in court for trying to illegally buy a kidney from a living donor. and nope it not about the 53yr old female tourist from Seoul who got shot in North Korea after she strayed into a military zone during a morning beach stroll. the military people claimed that the woman fled when challenged and didn't even stop when the soldiers opened warning shots. thus, resulting them in no choice but to open fire. now the $50 million dollar question is, of all the places in the world why did she have to take a holiday in the military unstable communist locale of North Korea and to be strolling at a beach next to a military zone at dawn for the matter of fact. i say she was just begging for it. i hope she wore something nice though, can you imagine getting shot dead wearing 'This Fashion'. not a memorable ending to 53 yrs of living. oh no, major sidetracking! the news that i'm referring to is something of more a IMPORTANT matter. They Bloody Increased The Damn Fucking Cab Fare AGAIN!! OMG! Can you believe it?! and their reason was the rise of fuel prices and cost of ERP. my fault issit? no right? then you increased my fares for what? FOR WHAT? i don't think the fault here lies in the taxi driver. but all they do is complain. fuel prices go up, you see a segment in the news where they interview taxi drivers for their views. which in other words mean that they complain. always the same old thing, like not being able to cover the cost, fuel prices, ERP, yada yada yada. i think those editors at these news station had to work overtime every time somebody interviews a taxi driver. have you actually been in a cab and heard how much a taxi driver can complain? ERP lah, traffic jams, lousy female drivers, people combing hair in the cab, the dropping value of US dollar, etc etc. i just think that these drivers get cooped up in the cab for too long that they tend to go mental and rattle off to anybody about everything under the sun. like M1. so, the cab drivers can't make more money. aren't we already paying for the ERP that we pass through and shouldn't the ALREADY increased fares do justice to the rise in fuel prices. like that also not enough meh? then whose fault? my fault? then don't drive cab la. you don't see me complaining about not being able to get the Prada wallet i've been eyeing or finding that perfect gladiator sandals for guys right? i say this whole lot of cab drivers are just a bunch of greedy people who are always unsatisfied about something. i think the main culprit here is the cab companies. well, there is another main culprit of course, but i shall not mentioned about them just in case my tiny little blog becomes evidence for treason. well, the least that cab companies could do is either reduce the cab rent or probably work out something with petrol companies for reduced prices for cab drivers. what's happening right now are merely short term solutions. they need to think long term. *flicks blonde hair back* well now, let's move on to even MORE significant topics. ![]() Polymates Gathering in conjunction with an ultra belated birthday celebration of Maddie, Yasi and Huiming, a long postponed gathering was necessary. ![]() its been a really long while since the whole lot of us met up. probably due to everybody's tight work/school schedule. this time round , we decided on dinner at Waraku at Central. its my first time there and after hearing wonderful reviews from a lot of people regarding how scrumptdelicious the food there was. i began to salivate, on a heavy flow basis. but the downside to Waraku is the loooooong waiting time before you can get a table as the whole place is constantly packed to the brim. and so to pass time waiting for our tables and for the rest who've yet to come, only one thing comes to mind. yup, you knew it. CAMWHORING! ![]() ![]() since me and yasi were the first ones to arrive, we got the first shots. ![]() ![]() and after we ran out of poses, we can always challenge each other on mario kart while waiting. ![]() and continue again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() after we FINALLY got in. we were such starved souls that we just ordered and ate everything on the spot and totally forgot about taking pictures of the oh-so-yummy food we had. but we did manage one shot in the restaurant. ![]() and that was it. everything else was such a blur, i was just busily tucking in to everything at the table. thats how you know if the food is good. i don't have photos of it. LOL! after dinner we took a little walk along the Singapore river and and was deciding on a nice place to chill. saw this magic show in the middle of The Cannery that area. but they kept talking and talking and explaining how everything worked that it became such a bore after 10minutes. in the end we settled on Attica. where we sat down and played this game called 5-10. which i TOTALLY SUCKED AT. can you believe it i lost 8 times in a row. BLOODY 8TIMES DAMNIT!!! and through out donno how many rounds we played, in total i was like the major loser. ![]() i was like the MAJOR loser man! checked out my stoned face after a while. and there was yasi who was the second most loser. ![]() angela kept winning okay. its like NO FUN AT ALL. after that maddie decided to be anti-social since she doesn't drink and took out her Nintendo DS and played Guitar Hero. ![]() ![]() ![]() which everybody was drawn to until somebody took out a camera and then.... ![]() ![]() we then decided to play a game. The Couple of The Night contest. ![]() it was between kath-zhiwei. VS ![]() yasi-maddie. i still can't decide who should claim the title of Couple of the Night. what you think? wells, everybody say hello to our photographer for the night. ![]() Zhiwei. don't you think he's cute. waahahahaha! sorry kath, i didn't manage to spite his drink that night so that you can bring him home and 'heh heh heh' like you wanted. LOL!!!! our photographer has a little habit of his eyes looking somewhere else when he talks to someone. check out this evidence!!! ![]() (left to right- zhiwei, kath, yasi, maddie) Zhiwei: hey maddie, where did you buy that Guitar Heroes game? Maddie: DUMBASS!! MY FACE IS UP HERE! Kath: My my, those are definitely bigger than mine. Yasi: (thinks to herself) don't look yasi! i can control myself. dont look!! *** well thats it for this entry this time, i hope you all are well and enjoyed the weekend as much as i did. till my next entry. loves, ali joe |
July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 |